Friday, May 3, 2013

Pregnancy Pictures

ISO: 200  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/250

ISO: 200  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/500

ISO: 200  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/320

          One of our good friends, Alex Benefield White, is pregnant and due this summer (so exciting!). She didn't want to do the whole maternity photo shoot thing, but in her baby book is a place for a picture of Alex pregnant, so she asked me if I would take a couple pictures of her the other day. She had an idea of what she wanted which was good because other wise I wouldn't have known how to pose her. The sun was not very cooperative when I was taking them, but I did the best with what I had. In the first picture, I really wish I would have moved to the left so the bright, white sky wouldn't be in the picture. (Of course I would notice that now and not then.) In the second one, yes I know the background is bright, but it actually doesn't bother me for this particular image. Looking at it though, if I were to do it again, I would have angled her a little more towards me so you could see more of her left arm instead of just her left hand. However, at first her left hand wasn't there and she didn't look pregnant so it's a good thing we noticed that and had her put her hand there. And the last picture took a couple minutes of trying to not make them look awkward. At first, Alex's eyes were closed which just looked weird, then she turned her head which also looked weird but finally she just opened her eyes and looked at Cody (her husband) which looks so much better. Oh and also at first her left hand was up by her right hand which again made her not look pregnant rather just bigger than she is (well was before she was pregnant and will be again after she has the baby). Anyways, these were my favorite of the pictures I got of her.

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