Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Baby Shower

ISO: 800  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/50

ISO: 800  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/50

ISO: 2000  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/40

ISO: 800  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/125

          So Alex's baby shower was at our house and my mom kept asking me to get some pictures of it. The first two pictures are of tables and how they were set up. My mom wanted a picture of those to remember how they were set up so she could refer to them for future when she needs to decorate again. (A friend set up at our house for the baby shower.) In both of them I had to use natural light to my advantage and use as much of it as possible. The first one, I think I went and opened the blinds a little to get some more light because it was dark. I couldn't decide the best way to get the table to be able to see everything, well I take that back I thought the best was would be from above but I didn't have a way to get high enough so i just went with if the table had eyes- it's eye level. I have several other pictures for my mom's sake that are not on here so don't worry, there are some close ups. For the 2nd table it was super dark and then someone walked in the house and when they opened the door it helped tremendously so I kept it open for a couple minutes, took a picture then closed it.
         Oh goodness gracious. The next picture (3rd) was just not working very well for me. Talk about mini catastrophe (mainly because all of the hostess' wanted this picture). It was super dark, I was without flash and I already had run my ISO way up. I didn't have a f/2.8 lens and I wasn't about to use pop-up flash. So I help really still and did what I could with what I had. And oh my freakin goodness. I just realized something terrible. Terribly terrible. I did have a falsh. I had gear for something else that night and I had a flash! I could have used that, I could have avoided all the awfulness of this picture. I could have had a lot better image without trying to bring the exposure up and fill light and all that. AHHH! Why did I not realize this at the time. :(
          And for the last image. I just couldn't resist putting it up. It cracks me up and describes their personalities perfectly. They are all sisters and I was getting a picture of the 3 of them together with the Middle Sister wine bottle or something like that. Anyways, they started talking and someone said something and they all reacted. I really like this picture and it makes me laugh every time.

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