Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Portraiture is difficult

ISO: 400  f.4.0  shutter speed: 1/1000

ISO: 400  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/1000

ISO: 400  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/1000

           So Paige asked me to take her senior pictures and I told her I would. I have never really done portrait/people since my main focus has always been action shots so this was a new challenge for me. I am not used to having to worry about my subject so much so there were a lot of picture I had to delete because of things I didn't think to tell Paige. In all of my pictures I didn't worry about the background first which made my editing process go a lot slower. I had to go through with a brush tool and burn down the background and brighten Paige to make her stand off a little better. The first picture I really like of her except for the fact that her hand is holding her ear. Perfect example of me not being used to having to worry about those types of things. I really wish I would have noticed that and told her to move her hands. The second picture I just think is really cute. She was laughing at something her mom said. And the last picture I really liked since she wasn't aware I was taking a picture, but I had to crop it not to my liking because Woodsies leg was in the frame. (Woods went with me.) Her mom really wanted Paige sitting in the flowers and I like the look on her face in that picture since it is very natural and not at all forced. Her face, however, is also a little dark since it is in the shadows; I still like this picture though. I used a 7D and a 70-200mm lens for these pictures, and Smith told me (after I finished of course) that I should have scooted back and been zoomed in all the way or not been zoomed in at all. While I may not have done the best job, it was a great learning experience for me and thankfully her mom was very happy with the pictures.

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