Monday, May 27, 2013

Copy Cat- but not near as good

ISO: 800  f/2.8  shutter speed: 1/100

         So I was trying to re create the image of the finger cut in the book from a school's ATPI TOP portfolio that was about books. It is my favorite theme portfolio, but after taking this I realized that this image doesn't work as well by itself. It's better in a portfolio. Carlie already had a cut on her finger, so I borrowed her hand but her fingernails weren't painted and it was in a different spot than the image I was re creating, but that's ok. In Lightroom, I tried to make her cut a little more red because it wasn't that red, but keep in mind that I spent like .2 seconds editing because I am not really attached to this photo or anything, but it definitely helped it out. I used a 50mm lens for this and started off using a flash but turned it off since it wasn't doing what I wanted it too.

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