Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Basketball...with no strobes

ISO: 1600 f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/250

         So yes this is from a little while ago, but I haven't done anything with it yet. This was my little brothers championship game and I came straight from shooting an assignment so I had gear in my car, so at half time I went out to my car to grab a camera so my mom could have pictures of Matt playing basketball. The gym was very dark and I couldn't use flash or strobes so yea, I now have some grainy pictures. I bumped my ISO up and luckily had a f/2.8 lens and for the most part tried to keep my shutter speed as high as possible. This picture turned out alright for my circumstances but I definitely had to bring up my exposure in Lightroom and I de-noised it some and brought the clarity up a little bit. I was using a 17-50mm lens which was really nice and since I didn't have strobes I was able to move around more which was very helpful. For this picture, for example, I was sitting on the sidelines, like literally right on the line. This isn't the best, but it's not terrible and it'll please my mom so that's good.

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