Friday, November 16, 2012

San Antonio

ISO: 800  f/3.5  shutter speed: 1/13

This was taken in San Antonio, which was a blast and I learned SO MUCH. We went to the Alamo one night and walked around and there were some cool lights so I wanted to try the whole twisty thing mabob where she stays still but the background is like moving in a circle. You do this by turning the camera while taking the picture. You have to use a slow shutter speed so you have enough time to move the camera in the time that it is actually taking the picture. The trees in the background had lights all on them so that made it a cool opportunity to do this. I couldn't figure out the white balance when editing so that is still kind of off. I am not good at white balance, that is something I have figured out recently.  I liked this one because her head is actually still and there aren't lights in her eyes like my other ones (not on here).

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