Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Full Page Bleed. Whoop whoop!

ISO: 1600  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/100

Yay! I got a full page bleed with this picture! Whoop whoop. I was so excited when Potter told me that I could be the one in charge of the full bleed for the bonfire spread. She told me what she wanted and I had it all planned out, and even got what she originally asked for. This, however, is not it. Now, I can't take full credit for this image, although I wish I could. But I do have to admit that Smith was the one that pointed this out to me and said take this, it could be a possible full bleed if the fire one doesn't work. The fire picture didn't fail, I did get it and how Potter asked too, but she liked this one better because it was different. Not the same old picture that we have even had published before in 06. Anyways, I am very glad to have gotten to take this picture. I was using a 7D and a 17-50mm lens for this. I used the brush tool along the bottom part where it is black because there were a couple people you could see that had white shirts on and Potter asked me to get rid of them. Luckily, since it's just supposed to be black, it was super easy to get rid of the people and it didn't take in photochop work. Lightroom was all I needed.

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