Thursday, November 8, 2012

101 Dalmatians

ISO: 320  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/125

ISO: 320  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/125

So, for Disney day the drill team decided to dress up as 101 Dalmatians and Mrs. Still as Cruella Da Vil. It was a really cool idea and since the drill team spread still needed more coverage, we decided this would be a good idea. So, at the beginning of drill team I went down there and got them to all get in the pit (they're puppies so of course they had to be in grass). They did one normal picture (not on here) and then two, well these two. They were all trying to act like puppies and in my personal opinion it's pretty funny. The pit was split half shade and half sun cause it just wanted to make my job more difficult. I put the drill team in the shade and started off with myself in the sun, but that didn't work cause there was a huge glare so then I went to the shade. I was trying to get rid of the distracting background, so I tried laying down and making just greenery in the background but that didn't work. Then I went to the other side of the pit on the hill trying to get kind of above them. I wasn't able to get high enough so the background isn't quite how I would've liked. I wouldn't mind the trees and sky, but it's the building part that bothers me. It also would've been better if I could of blurred it out, but because the team is so big I didn't want to widen my aperture so I wouldn't loose any of the members. I used the 5D and 24-105mm lens for this picture. I had to change the white balance in Lightroom cause it started off extremely blue and icky. I also cropped this picture.

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