Friday, October 12, 2012

Pink out!

ISO: 1600  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/160

ISO: 2000  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/160

These pictures were taken at the pink out pep rally last friday. Our school was exploded with pink! I was running around like crazy that day, but it was so much fun and all worth it. I like these two pictures because they are  sharply in focus. The second one I wish you could see more of Haley's face. I was using the 5D and 24-105mm lens with a 580 flash. My flash was not cooperating with me very well so that was kinda frustrating, and I kept having to change my settings. I didn't know to get the flash on the 70mm with the rectangle beside it, you couldn't have the white reflector pulled out which I did, so I learned something new :) haha, but yeah I'm so glad to have learned that now

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