Wednesday, October 10, 2012


ISO: 800  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/50

ISO:160  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/640

ISO: 160  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/500

Claire and I got to go to the hispanic heritage thing the other day at Texas A&M. At first I wasn't really excited about going, but it was so worth it. We got free food and it ended up being pretty cool. They did a lot of dancing as well. This was a great opportunity to get pictures of minority for the yearbook. The first picture is of them getting food (obviously) and the second is when the dancers were getting people from the audience to go dance with them. I like the excitement of the image but the building in the background is distracting and I wish it would disappear. The last picture is of the lady giving away t-shirts. I like that the shirt is in the air and people are reaching for it but it kinda blends in to the table in a way :/ However, this was a really fun assignment to shoot, and I got out of class for it which makes it all that much better!

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