The settings for these are all ISO: 200 f/25.0 shutter speed: 30 seconds
So, I was going to do painting with light, but I didn't have a remote not giving me enough time so I was going to just keep the camera in the same spot and keep lighting it and then turn it into a HDR. Problem: my camera apparently moved on the brightest images so I had to merge all my dark ones meaning it is underexposed and grainy. :( The first image here is the one that is merged as an HDR- the grainy, underexposed image. The last two are the brighter ones, the images I needed to make my HDR actually turn out how I would've liked. Well dang. This just stinks. Man! Ok, so I guess I need to work on not moving things or maybe invest in a remote or maybe just get better. Anyways, these images make me upset. Oh, and the reason I was doing this was because I was enjoying English tea and biscuits from my trip this summer, and decided since I'm so addicted I should paint it with light which brings me to the other thing that really frustrated me. It was definitely steaming but I couldn't seem to capture the steam. I even kept going back and re- microwaving it and trying to shine the light on the steam, but it just didn't seam to show up. I still don't know why. Hopefully, I will figure this out sometime though. I also didn't have a camera for the weekend so I used a rebel with a kit lens. Yes, a kit lens. I know they suck, but hey for painting with light they work, and it's way better than nothing at all, so you make do with what you got. Ok, enough of my ramblings. For now at least.
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