Tuesday, October 30, 2012


ISO: 1250  f/3.5  shutter speed: 1/125

Aghhhh. No. Not even fair. This picture irks me so much. I was having trouble with the focus points on Bigma so Smith changed my focus point to all of them. Naturally, with my luck, Natalie is not in focus and Michael is. No fair. Anyways this could have been a really cool picture, but this is what it is.  Also, I would like to add that this computer has been nice to me all day but last time all the computers hated me and I spent 4 hours doing all the pre-lightroom stuff. That was super annoying but I finally got my pictures processed today. Hallelujah. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Awkward Family Photo

ISO: 1000  f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/80

So, last night I was out until 10:45 working on different pictures this being one of them. I was told to get a picture of Sarah Hacker playing the piano with her parents helping her. When I got there, they told me that Sarah had never played piano before in her life. So, we had to change the game plan and just do a pic of them sitting on the couch. A boring picture might I add. I am not proud to call this mine at all, I wish I would've had a creative instant thought but yeah, that didn't happen. So here is my boring picture but it's not awkward like it would have been had it been the piano one. Oh well.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Court Presentation!

ISO: 400  f/8.0  shutter speed: 1/100

ISO: 640  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/80

ISO: 1250  f/2.8  shutter speed: 160

ISO: 1250  f/2.8  shutter speed: 1/160

This was the homecoming court presentation pep rally and the girls were SO PRETTY! It was fun shooting it, but a little stressful at the same time knowing that they HAD to turn out and the portraits were a necessity. All the flashes and pocket wizards and syncs weren't cooperating very well which was very frustrating. They wouldn't go off at the right time and one would go off but the other wouldn't. We finally had to have Woods holding the sync into the flash to get it to work. These would not be possible without the help of other people. The first picture is the actual portrait for the program- the one where we had to have woods holding the sync. The next one is also for the program, and I was really disappointed because it wasn't in sharp focus. I was told that it would be fine for what it was being used for, so I guess that's good. It's still frustrating though. The last two images were taken during the ceremony where I was sitting in the most awkward position to get them. A tripod was straddling me with Bigma and it kinda looked like I was giving birth to a tripod. Very very weird. The things I do to get pictures. (btw I layed in a graveyard to help Rush with a pic last night for a while, I'll blog about that later though) And, just to let ya know this has been a super crazy week. I have been out late every night doing something for photography. Ok, that's all for now.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pre Game

ISO: 1000  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/200

This was taken at the pre game (after being trampled) as the guys were warming up. I have discovered that I love shooting pre game! It is so much fun, even though everyone was trying to attack me that night. Anyways, I kinda like this picture. I like that the coach is in it and watching them as they practice and the wide angle of it. I wish the 2 guys standing behind 93 weren't there though. I also wish I was moved over to the right a little bit or maybe the left. I don't know, just a little different angle. The colors are nice and pop and yeah. Overall, I think I like this picture. I was using the 5D and the 24-105mm lens with a 580 flash.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


ISO: 100  f/7.1  shutter speed: 1/125

ISO: 100  f/7.1  shutter speed: 1/125

ISO: 100  f/7.1  shutter speed: 1/125

I took these pictures a week or so ago, I've just now gotten the chance to process them. I saw some welding pictures on flickr so I called my cousin and asked him if he could weld for me. It was really cool, and SUPER bright. I had to keep my eyes closed while shooting. I got it ready and when he started welding I closed my eyes. I tried keeping them open one time and I was seeing spots for a long time after that. I also had to have a trashcan in front of my feet since I had shorts on so I wouldn't get burned. I couldn't decide which picture was my favorite but I narrowed it down to these. I used the 5 and the 24-105mm lens for this picture.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homecoming Court

ISO:320  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/320

These are the girls that made court! (I was so excited for Cluur and Amy) Potter had asked for a pic with the sky as the background where I was below them, but the sky was really yucky so I changed to the grass as the background and standing above them. Rush found this place for me to stand that was really high up and in the bushes but it was fun climbing up there. This is cropped for how it was going on Tiger Times Online, so that's why it is really rectangular. I was using a 5D with the 24-105mm lens.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pink out!

ISO: 1600  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/160

ISO: 2000  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/160

These pictures were taken at the pink out pep rally last friday. Our school was exploded with pink! I was running around like crazy that day, but it was so much fun and all worth it. I like these two pictures because they are  sharply in focus. The second one I wish you could see more of Haley's face. I was using the 5D and 24-105mm lens with a 580 flash. My flash was not cooperating with me very well so that was kinda frustrating, and I kept having to change my settings. I didn't know to get the flash on the 70mm with the rectangle beside it, you couldn't have the white reflector pulled out which I did, so I learned something new :) haha, but yeah I'm so glad to have learned that now

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


ISO: 800  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/50

ISO:160  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/640

ISO: 160  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/500

Claire and I got to go to the hispanic heritage thing the other day at Texas A&M. At first I wasn't really excited about going, but it was so worth it. We got free food and it ended up being pretty cool. They did a lot of dancing as well. This was a great opportunity to get pictures of minority for the yearbook. The first picture is of them getting food (obviously) and the second is when the dancers were getting people from the audience to go dance with them. I like the excitement of the image but the building in the background is distracting and I wish it would disappear. The last picture is of the lady giving away t-shirts. I like that the shirt is in the air and people are reaching for it but it kinda blends in to the table in a way :/ However, this was a really fun assignment to shoot, and I got out of class for it which makes it all that much better!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tyler Lee Football Game

ISO: 1250  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/320

ISO: 1000  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/125

ISO: 1250  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/80

These pictures are from the Tyler Lee game a couple weeks ago. It was not a good game. Every play was just like a huge dog pile so it was not good for taking pictures. Everything was turning out awful. The first picture would have been a decent one but our guy is not in focus. The red guy is. This was happening to all my pictures since our uniform is white and there wasn't the contrast needed to make it focus. After that and being all frustrated, I started to just take different pictures. On the second one, I was trying to make it where it was like drill team was watching color guard/ the band perform. The last image was just the coach giving plays. I was shooting this since the actual game was not going good at well. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


ISO: 2000  f/2.8  shutter speed: 1/320

I shot the jv volleyball game last night. We had to use on camera flash and the lighting in the gym sucks. I had to bump my ISO up to 2000 since the lighting is so bad. I was getting frustrated at this game as my images were not turning out good so I decided to try something different, so I went up the bleachers to get a pic of half the court that shows our whole team playing. I like the angle and the idea of this picture, but it's a little dark and grainy. The focus was driving me bonkers and what I pressed the shutter on to be in focus would not focus. I don't know what's happening to me and focus points. It's no bueno. So, yeah.

Monday, October 1, 2012


The settings for these are all ISO: 200  f/25.0 shutter speed: 30 seconds
So, I was going to do painting with light, but I didn't have a remote not giving me enough time so I was going to just keep the camera in the same spot and keep lighting it and then turn it into a HDR. Problem: my camera apparently moved on the brightest images so I had to merge all my dark ones meaning it is underexposed and grainy. :( The first image here is the one that is merged as an HDR- the grainy, underexposed image. The last two are the brighter ones, the images I needed to make my HDR actually turn out how I would've liked. Well dang. This just stinks. Man! Ok, so I guess I need to work on not moving things or maybe invest in a remote or maybe just get better. Anyways, these images make me upset. Oh, and the reason I was doing this was because I was enjoying English tea and biscuits from my trip this summer, and decided since I'm so addicted I should paint it with light which brings me to the other thing that really frustrated me. It was definitely steaming but I couldn't seem to capture the steam. I even kept going back and re- microwaving it and trying to shine the light on the steam, but it just didn't seam to show up. I still don't know why. Hopefully, I will figure this out sometime though. I also didn't have a camera for the weekend so I used a rebel with a kit lens. Yes, a kit lens. I know they suck, but hey for painting with light they work, and it's way better than nothing at all, so you make do with what you got. Ok, enough of my ramblings. For now at least.