Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Apple

         Woah, I haven't blogged in forever and this feels so weird. I have so many things I can blog about and I really don't know why I chose this out of all of it, but I did. So, I have definitely learned that Texas High photogs are beyond spoiled. Like super beyond spoiled. Like it's kinda ridiculous. So you people enjoy it while you have it. Anyways, these pictures were for my photography class I'm taking. I wanted to do something different from the rest of the class, but this took some major innovation since I don't have near the equipment that I had access to last year. Even simply having 13 other people that are willing to help is something I definitely took for granted because now I'm on my own and having to hold a bajillion things all at once and use the self-timer because I don't have enough hands to press the shutter button. For this we simply had to turn in 3 pictures with a beginning, middle, and end so naturally I would do something with food because I LOVE food, especially fruit (hence the apple). My teacher asked me if I could demonstrate to the class how I set this up, and also asked me about my previous learning experiences and teachers and how they taught. (I think she is very impressed with our high school program.) Anyways, this is such a random blog post but I haven't done it in so long and just felt the need to put something up. :) 

Friday, May 31, 2013

English project-miniature guy and his shadows

ISO: 800 f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/100

ISO: 800 f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/60

ISO: 800 f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/160

ISO: 800  f/4.5  shutter speed: 1/40

ISO: 800 f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/80

                   I had an English poetry project to do over the poem "My Shadow" so I decided to do something with photography because, well why not it's about shadows. I was originally going to use people but nobody in my family wanted to volunteer and be the subject so I went and found these little lego people and used that instead. In the poem it talks about his different shadows: big, small, weird, just his shadow in bed, him by himself, etc. (I have more pictures than what is on here.) The hardest, and worst picture is the one of just the shadow on the bed. I had my brother hold the lego man and a flashlight but you can clearly see his hand in the shadow, but I figured Mrs. Johnson wouldn't be too picky about that so I didn't worry about it. I used a flashlight for all of these since it was on such a small scale and pocket wizards never seem to work well with me. But the flashlight worked just fine for what I needed. The last picture is the guy getting up for the early morning sunrise so I just pointed the flashlight right at the well, but had it to where not the whole thing would be showing to try and make it look like the sun, which if you ask me, I think it kinda resembles it pretty well. Using a flashlight also makes it very easy to tell how big your shadow is going to be right then rather than taking the picture, looking, guessing where to move the flash and keep going on and on until you finally get it right, so for that purpose I enjoyed using the flashlight. It was a lot faster for the purposes I needed. I set up in a corner in our kitchen and was laying down or on my knees for all the pictures to get eye level with the little guy. I had a 17-50mm lens and reallly didn't do much editing at all except maybe a little crop and white balance adjustment.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Copy Cat- but not near as good

ISO: 800  f/2.8  shutter speed: 1/100

         So I was trying to re create the image of the finger cut in the book from a school's ATPI TOP portfolio that was about books. It is my favorite theme portfolio, but after taking this I realized that this image doesn't work as well by itself. It's better in a portfolio. Carlie already had a cut on her finger, so I borrowed her hand but her fingernails weren't painted and it was in a different spot than the image I was re creating, but that's ok. In Lightroom, I tried to make her cut a little more red because it wasn't that red, but keep in mind that I spent like .2 seconds editing because I am not really attached to this photo or anything, but it definitely helped it out. I used a 50mm lens for this and started off using a flash but turned it off since it wasn't doing what I wanted it too.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mysticles Many Kiddos

ISO: 1600 f/3.5 shutter speed: 1/250

          So I got an assignment to take a picture of Mr. Kyles and all his kids for newspaper. I was told just a simple picture, portrait I guess, but nothing fancy. Anyways, I showed up and Mr. Kyles had a rope and was telling me that he wanted his kids to tie him up and all be pulling it. Only Mr. Kyles. haha, but we went inside Bounce-A-Lot which is where I met them and the background for this picture is well ehhh...just ignore that. What was so annoying, though, was he asked me if I wanted to take it outside but when he asked me the sun was really bright and the shadows were going to be terrible so I said no. As soon as I left, however, it was overcast. Perfect for taking pictures. So annoying. This image could have been really good in a different location. The bounce house and trampoline in the back just kind of mess it up. I still love the expressions and the idea of the picture.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Basketball...with no strobes

ISO: 1600 f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/250

         So yes this is from a little while ago, but I haven't done anything with it yet. This was my little brothers championship game and I came straight from shooting an assignment so I had gear in my car, so at half time I went out to my car to grab a camera so my mom could have pictures of Matt playing basketball. The gym was very dark and I couldn't use flash or strobes so yea, I now have some grainy pictures. I bumped my ISO up and luckily had a f/2.8 lens and for the most part tried to keep my shutter speed as high as possible. This picture turned out alright for my circumstances but I definitely had to bring up my exposure in Lightroom and I de-noised it some and brought the clarity up a little bit. I was using a 17-50mm lens which was really nice and since I didn't have strobes I was able to move around more which was very helpful. For this picture, for example, I was sitting on the sidelines, like literally right on the line. This isn't the best, but it's not terrible and it'll please my mom so that's good.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Birdies :)

ISO: 160 f/4.0 shutter speed: 1/1250

ISO: 160 f/4.0 shutter speed: 1/1250

ISO: 160 f/4.0 shutter speed: 1/1250

          So these pictures are from when I went to Mexico back in February, I just haven't taken the time to process any of the pictures I took then until recently. Well, I really only processed a couple for blogs and haven't had time to finish the rest yet. I'll get to them eventually. Anyways, we were walking down the beach right before a storm and we went out on this deck and there were birds everywhere. I had a 17-50mm lens so I was trying to walk really really quietly and slowly so they wouldn't all fly away. Most of them did, but several stayed so I was taking pictures while slowly walking closer. I really wish that the top of the post was wood and not that ugly metal thing because that just really bothers me and makes it meh. I had a hard time white balancing these because of the color of the ocean and the sky and yea it just didn't want to look right for me, but I did the best I could. I think my favorite of these is the last one just because it has the wood and rope and it's not just an ugly, metal thing with bird poop all on it.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

From a little while back

ISO: 200  f/7.1  shutter speed: 1/800

         This was taken while in Colorado over Christmas break. I was snowboarding with a camera around my neck for a couple runs one day. (Probably not the smartest idea since I'm a newbie snowboarder aka not good) Anyways, I was following my brother and sister to try and get some pictures of them. At one point they were ahead of me and so they sat down to wait on my catch up. I saw them sitting there like that and decided to stop behind them and capture them. I really wish I could have been lower down but we were on a mountain meaning I was on higher ground than them so there's not really anything I could have done about that. I wish my sister's jacket didn't blend in with the snow/mountain so much but that was not in my control either haha. Anyways, I still like this image and am glad I took the risk of carrying a camera while snowboarding.