Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Orange Chair Awarded

ISO: 800  f/2.8  shutter speed: 1/80

           They were announcing teacher of the year and Potter told me to grab a camera and go shoot it, so that is what I did. I had a 7D and a 17-50mm with no flash. I actually grabbed a flash but was in such a hurry I forgot to get batteries. Luckily, I didn't need the flash and ended up being just fine without one. This is the picture that went on the top of online newspaper. The chair is what's in focus and that bothers me, but besides that I like this picture, especially since she is all smiling and happy. I had to have my shutter speed so low since I didn't have a flash and I was inside and yea. In Lightroom I brought the clarity up a little bit and the blacks up (in the negatives so down? [golly there are so many things like this in photography like f/stop whether to say up or down and yea I always get my wording mixed up]) So I don't know whether I brought the blacks up or down, but I brought more blacks into the picture.

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