The set up:
ISO: 100 f/5.6 shutter speed: 1/200
The doesn't want to drip except green shot:
ISO: 100 f/5.6 shutter speed: 1/200
The accidental advertisement shot:
ISO: 100 f/5.6 shutter speed: 1/200
The of course the ugly color would drip all over shot:
ISO: 100 f/5.6 shutter speed: 1/200
So I was on Pinterest the other day looking at still life images since we had been questioning what exactly still life is during class. I came across an image of nail polish stacked with drips coming out that I really liked so I decided to try and re-create it. What Pinterest neglected to tell me, though, was that getting bottles to stack is not easy and getting them to drip how you want is even harder. The photography part of this was the easiest. The first picture is zoomed out and my set up. I stacked books and taped white paper to them and set the nail polish up on that. I didn't have a lot of time, so the paper taping is not perfect and that shows especially in the last picture where you can see the shadow of overlapping paper easily. That really bothers me. Ugh. Anyways, one of the first major problems I came across was getting the nail polish to stack. I tried and tried and tried and they just wouldn't stay until Smith finally found sticky-tack. That stuff works miracles. Except for the fact that it is blue and you can see it in some of the pictures. Once I finally got them to stack I got my settings on my camera and was all ready and took of the lids and crap. They all had different amounts in them meaning some bottles weren't dripping or even close to dripping and others were flowing profusely. Example: 2nd picture. The green came flowing out and there was no stopping it. Well great. I'm no expert with nail polish and it didn't want to cooperate with me whatsoever. Woodsies helped me try to clean up and tip over at the right time to get a better image and thank goodness for her help. The third picture was kind of an accident shot. I was taking the picture, Woods just wasn't ready to flip the green back over, but I ended up liking it. If that was done a little better it could be an advertisement picture. Ok, well I guess if it was done a lot better but you get the idea. I just like how you can see Essie (the brand name) and then there is other nail polish all around it and there just so happens to be a puddle of green.
Anyways, I had fun taking these pictures, but they are by no means anywhere close to perfect. I was using a 5D with a 24-105mm lens and I had a flash off to the right angling down. If I were to do this again, I would move the flash to change the shadows (they bother me) and I would have to get some different bottles of nail polish that might be a little more cooperative with me so I could get the drips how I wanted.