Thursday, March 21, 2013

Track Meet

ISO: 400 f/2.8 shutter speed: 1/2500

ISO: 320  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/2500

          These were taken a couple weeks ago at the Watty Meyers Track meet that i shot. It was very very cold that day and I ran out of card space very fast. :(  I like these two pictures since they are clear and in sharp focus. A lot of my other pictures from this meet that were really really good were out of focus and it was beyond irritating. For the first picture I was using a 17-50mm lens and the second one a 70-200mm lens. I liked having 2 different lenses to use and I kept switching but it would have been really nice if I had something like a 17-200mm f/2.8. That would have been glorious. (I don't even know if there is such a thing as a lens like that and if there is I'm sure it rather expensive) Every time I switched lenses I would need the other one for some reason. I had a hard time deciding what one to use when and I felt like I always chose the wrong one. The last picture I really wish the bus and truck were not in the background, or they could at least be bokahy or somehting. But they are really distracting which is super annoying. Ugh.

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