Monday, January 28, 2013

A different approach with basketball

ISO: 800  f/4.5  shutter speed: 1/250

ISO: 800  f/4.5 shutter speed: 1/250

           I was shooting jv girls basketball last Friday, and the flashes were set up on the other side of the gym. The first half of the game we could only get defense pictures, and the strobes were not set up correctly so I kept changing them trying to get it to look right, so while all this was going on I wan't getting very many defense pictures. When they called a time out I decided to try and get the coach talking to them since I had never done that before. I like the second picture, and I don't know if it is just because I have never gotten a picture of this or yea. This is with no flash, and I had to bring up the exposure a little bit in Lightroom. I could've slowed my shutter speed, I think I didn't because I was switching from flash to no flash a lot and really fast. I also don't know why my aperture is 4.5. Oh well, it worked, haha. I was using a 17-50mm lens for these with the 7D.

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