Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thanksgiving break orb attempt

ISO: 100  f/5.6  shutter speed: bulb-80 seconds 

ISO: 100  f/5.6  shutter speed: bulb-161 seconds

I took these pictures over Thanksgiving break. I had been wanting to do it for a while, and I still really want to do it again. I didn't have any glow sticks so I had to use a flashlight. I also didn't have a remote, so my cousin was the one spinning in circles. I don't like the second picture as much because you can see her in it, and the first one isn't really the shape of an orb. I have been waiting to get glow sticks so I can do it again, and make it better. I was going to keep the shutter open longer, but the flashlight I had was too bright, so it would be blown. Over all, I had fun doing it, but learned a lot, and want to go get glow sticks so I can do it over and make it better.

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