Wednesday, September 14, 2011


                                                     ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed:1/1000
                                                      ISO: 250  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/1000
  ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/1000

                                                   ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed 1/800

        These were taken this past weekend. My dad and brother were going to play golf, and I had nothing going on, so I decided to go with them and get some pictures of them playing. On the first image, I liked how the ball in the sand looked. However, I couldn't get the lighting or colors to look quite right since the ball is white and the sand is very light. I had a similar problem with the second picture. I liked where the ball was in this picture, but the sand isn't very clear, so it's kind of hard to tell what's going on. The third picture is of my brother putting, and I kind of liked how the ball is in focus, and his feet and putter are a little bit blurry in the background. The fourth picture is my favorite out of these. I was actually trying to get the club coming in contact with the ball, but I was too slow, so this is what I got instead. I liked how you could see the tee, and pieces of grass flying up. Editing done to these pictures was cropping and changing the exposure just a little bit. I used a 28-75mm lens. I hope to be able to do this again, and maybe fix some of the problems I had.

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