Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shallow Depth of Field Six Weeks Project

                                             ISO: 800  f/ 1.8  shutter speed: 1/80  50mm lens
On this picture, since I have such a wide aperture, most things are blurry. With the wider aperture, I had to increase my shutter speed more which actually makes taking the picture easier because I didn't have to use a tripod or worry about camera shake. The only post-editing I did, was white balance because my colors were a little off.

ISO: 400  f/2.8  shutter speed: 1/640  macro lens
For this picture, I was having a lot of fun using the macro lens. This was taken in the shade, so I put my ISO at 400. With the wide aperture, I had to increase my shutter speed to properly expose the picture. I liked how the green grass pieces showed up, and how part of the flower is in focus, but part is out of focus.
ISO: 400  f/2.8  shutter speed 1/1600  macro lens
Since this picture was also taken at f/2.8, I had to use a fast shutter speed especially since the sun was shining on my feet/shoes. Looking back at my settings, I don't know why I didn't use a lower ISO, but it ended up working out by just having a lot faster shutter speed.

ISO: 100  f/4.0  shutter speed 1/400  28-75mm lens
With this picture having an aperture of 4.0, you get more in focus in the foreground along with the shoes, but the background is still blurry. I still had to use a pretty high shutter speed.

ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed 1/60  28-75mm lens
This picture really helped me get a better understanding of aperture. With my f-stop at 5.6, a lot of the shoes are in focus, but the first pair is not. I had to decrease my shutter speed a little bit more to get the exposure right.

                                           ISO:800  f/8.0  shutter speed:1/60  28-75mm lens
Since this picture is basically the same as the one before, with a smaller aperture, you can see how there is more in focus than the picture before. I kept the same shutter speed, and used a smaller aperture, so I had to increase my ISO so it would be exposed properly.

This project has helped me to understand aperture a lot better. Before doing the project, I thought I already understood it pretty well, but now it makes a lot more since. The last two pictures, I had played around with and took the same picture with 5 different f-stops. Doing that really helped me to comprehend aperture better, because as I changed my f-stop, I also had to change either my shutter speed, ISO or sometimes both. These pictures were taken on several different days, and I had a lot of fun taking them.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Water Drops!


I finally got to do water drops! I was very excited to get to do this, and it was a lot of fun. All of my images were shot at ISO: 100, f/8.0, shutter speed:1/250, and the macro 50mm lens. Getting all the settings and capturing the drops ended up being harder than it looks. We had to keep adjusting the settings to get the exposure right. I think the pictures are really cool because it shows how the water drops into the water but it shows what you can't see by just watching. The post-editing I did was drag the clarity and sharpness up a little bit. I'm now really excited to do this with the milk and food coloring.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reading on the hammock

                                                ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed 1/1000

This was taken this past weekend of my little brother. He was the only person around for me to take pictures of. All he cared about was reading his book, so I asked him to go read on the hammock. I was laying down in the grass to get this picture. I was very pleased with how it turned out, and it makes me want to take pictures ALL the time! I was using a 28-75mm lens. For the post-editing, I bumped up the recovery and used a preset on it.

ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed 1/1000

This was taken the same time, with the same lens (28-75mm). I liked how this picture turned out too, except for the part of the sky that is blown. For post-editing, I cropped the image a little, and bumped up the recovery to try and help the really bright sky and his white shirt.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Pep Rally

                                                   ISO:1600  f/2.8  shutter speed: 1/250

This was taken at the Texas vs. Arkansas pep rally during the class cheer competition (whatever that's called). Since the yearbook theme this year is "Who ya with?" I was trying to get a picture of people yelling. This was shot with a 28-75mm lens. I was having a hard time at the peperally with that lens, so this is one of the few pictures that turned out ok. The only post editing I did was using the white balance tool to change the coloring a little.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


                                                     ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed:1/1000
                                                      ISO: 250  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/1000
  ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/1000

                                                   ISO: 400  f/5.6  shutter speed 1/800

        These were taken this past weekend. My dad and brother were going to play golf, and I had nothing going on, so I decided to go with them and get some pictures of them playing. On the first image, I liked how the ball in the sand looked. However, I couldn't get the lighting or colors to look quite right since the ball is white and the sand is very light. I had a similar problem with the second picture. I liked where the ball was in this picture, but the sand isn't very clear, so it's kind of hard to tell what's going on. The third picture is of my brother putting, and I kind of liked how the ball is in focus, and his feet and putter are a little bit blurry in the background. The fourth picture is my favorite out of these. I was actually trying to get the club coming in contact with the ball, but I was too slow, so this is what I got instead. I liked how you could see the tee, and pieces of grass flying up. Editing done to these pictures was cropping and changing the exposure just a little bit. I used a 28-75mm lens. I hope to be able to do this again, and maybe fix some of the problems I had.

Monday, September 12, 2011

In Action

                                                 ISO:200  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/8000
                                                  ISO: 200  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/8000
                                                  ISO: 200  f/5.6  shutter speed: 1/8000
                                                 ISO: 1000  f/4.0  shutter speed 1/8000

I had checked out some gear for the weekend, and there were several things I wanted to try. I was inspired by the image of the bullet going through the card that was shot in a dark room. At first I thought I could try that using my camera, but after reading lots of websites that said the only way to do that was with a strobe in a dark room, I realized I wouldn't be able to do that. I called my cousin, though, to see if I could get some pictures of him shooting objects. He came over, and that's what the first three images are of. In the first image, I liked how the water bottle looked, but decided the background was too distracting. So, for the next two images, we changed where we were. The background was better in those, but I had a harder time getting the right angle because of how the fence was. The last picture is of my dad and brother popping water balloons. Timing was hard because my dad and brother never popped it at exactly the same time. I like how you can see the water still in the shape of a ball with out the balloon around it. For all of these pictures, I used a 28-75mm lens. On the first and last picture, I cropped them a little bit, and on the last picture I brought the exposure up some.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Painting With Light Attempt

                                                       ISO: 100  f/16    shutter: bulb
                                                      ISO: 100  f/16    shutter: bulb
                                                      ISO: 100  f/16    shutter: bulb

This was in the dark room, there were several of us in there painting with light. I was painting Haley Rushing. I was trying to give her several arms in different positions. On the first picture, someone accidentally turned on the lights, so I didn't get to finish, and you can kind of see me in the picture. The second one worked better with her arms, but I wish I would have lit up her face some. The third one, I needed to be a little more consistent with how I painted her arms. I lit her face on this one, but I didn't mean to make it look this creepy. This was a lot of fun, and gave me some more ideas to do next time. Also, I'm getting a better idea of how it works, and hopefully next time I will get it more how I envision.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spider Man

ISO: 100  f/6.3  shutter speed 1/250
                                                      ISO: 100   f/6.3   shutter speed 1/250
                                                       ISO:100  f/6.3  shutter speed 1/250

This was the spider man assignment. We were making our flash be the shutter speed. This assignment helps with your reaction timing and is very helpful for shooting sporting events. At first it was kind of difficult because I would always get it too early or too late. After a couple tries it started getting a little easier, and hopefully this has helped me so I can take better shots at sports events. With the last picture I wish I would have been at a different angle to make them look higher in the air and not gotten so much of the ground in the picture. I used a 17-50mm lens.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

                                          ISO- 800, f/ 4.0, shutter speed- 1/30, lens- 17-50mm

                                        ISO- 400, f/ 2.8, shutter speed- 1/2500, lens- 17-50mm

These were taken Tuesday at home. For the second photo, I was outside and had really wanted to take more outside, but it was too bright. This was in the shade, and I liked the half dead leaf, so I took a picture of it. I like the leaf, but wish there was something else in the photo to make it more exciting. The first photo is of my little brother practicing his instrument. I was trying to get a picture with a lot of it kind of blurry, but some keys in focus with the wand/stick thing hitting the key in focus also. I had a hard time trying to get this because he really didn't want me taking any and I never knew when he was going to hit the key that I was focused on. To make this better, I would change the background.