Wednesday, April 11, 2012


ISO: 250  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/500

ISO: 250  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/500 

ISO: 250  f/4.0  shutter speed: 1/1000

I took these at a softball game several weeks ago. We had to get several particular people since so many had quit and we had pictures of all the people who quit. so frustrating. The first picture is of them doing their prayer before the game. The girl in the middle was one of the people we were supposed to get. I like the second image of the girl pitching. And the last picture was during golden hour so that's why it's the color it is, which is something I like about it. I would've liked the picture better if she didn't miss the ball, but it was still in the frame. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012


ISO: 1600  f/18.0  shutter speed: 20 seconds 

ISO: 1600  f/18.0  shutter speed: 20 seconds 

ISO: 1600  f/18.0  shutter speed: 20 seconds

I took these pictures two nights ago during the storm.  I've always wanted to get a picture of lightning so I finally decided to go try. The timing was the hardest part. It would have been helpful to have a meteorologist with me to tell me when and where it was going to lightning. It took me a little while to adjust my settings, because at first I started with a lot lower ISO and when the lightning strike wasnt showing up really well I figured that my ISO needed to be higher so you could see the strike and I just changed my aperture to get a better exposure. I had fun taking these pictures, and had to go inside inside because I was being eaten alive by mosquitos and I had a bunch of homework left to do :/ but next time it storms, I want to go try again and hopefully get some better ones.